Back in 1997, CPO developed a web-based congress information system together with an institute that now belongs to the Frauenhofer-Gesellschaft. This system was registered as an European trademark under the name CO CONGRESS ONLINE®.
CO CONGRESS ONLINE® allows participants to register for events, submit their contributions, upload posters and review other submitted contributions. Congress programmes are uploaded and planned in the system and displayed at a later stage. Each participant can put together an individual programme. The software connects seamlessly to all other GLOBIT products, including a single sign-on.
Registration of Participants and Groups
Manage registrations effectively and enjoy the unlimited registration fee options for individuals and groups.
Speaker and Abstract Handling
Handle abstracts and speakers, create scientific programs and publish them in real-time.
Communication with the Congress Participants
Have your congress participants always up to date through e-mails, a self-service portal and on-site digital signage.
Virtual Event Module for Virtual and Hybrid Events
The additional module consists of the components virtual event portal, event streaming platform (live & on-demand) as well as a clearly arranged online program including a calendar view.

How to Reach Us
Send a message or give us a call
under +49 30 300669-0 (Berlin)
or +49 40 670882-0 (Hamburg).
We look forward to hearing from you!