Improving Quality Standards
We are committed to high quality standards. Our activities are guided by the needs of our customers, which is to say your participants and exhibitors. We support the smooth and thorough handling of all processes.
CPO is a member of leading associations and organisations in the conference and convention industry as well as the incentive industry:
- IAPCO (International Association of Professional Congress Organisers)
- ICCA (International Congress and Convention Association)
- SITE (Society International Travel Executives)
- GCB (German Convention Bureau)
- PCMA (Professional Convention Management Association)
The quality management guidelines of these institutions serve as a model for the management of our company.
How to Reach Us
Send a message or give us a call
under +49 30 300669-0 (Berlin)
or +49 40 670882-0 (Hamburg).
We look forward to hearing from you!