Must-read article by Angela Guillemet, Executive Director of INCON Group about which innovations would still apply as we begin to organise in-person meetings again.
Traditionally, the fasting period begins 40 days before Easter Sunday. This period is about abstinence. In the past, people would avoid eating meat and chocolate on these days.
Over the last year, we have all experienced an incredibly fast and huge change in our industry to a new, digital world. From one day to the next, congresses had to switch to virtual formats - a learning process that had to happen quickly and that most of us mastered well. What is obvious is that a p...
In a knowledge-driven world where personal exchange is more important than ever, Katrin Suchi, Director of Sales & Marketing, CPO HANSER SERVICE outlines the requirements and challenges of the virtual element of managing the hybrid event.
Read our latest case study: Reorganized at short notice - the 2020 German Nursing Day completely virtual! In addition, Juliane Heinicke, Senior Project Manager CPO HANSER SERVICE gives useful tips on how to organize a smooth pre-recording of speakers for a virtual or hybrid event.